

Products for Construction

The activity of the company Isaurosolos is mainly focused on three areas relating to building works:

1st Pavements

  • Manufacture and construction of industrial, commercial or residential pavements and floorings, plain or moulded in concrete, with or without colour;
  • Pavement preparation by scattering gravel or other products, levelling and compacting using cylinders;
  • Works levelled using laser, and smoothed with vibrating blades and mechanical trowels (helicopters).
  • Application of surface hardeners and approved colours.
  • Several pavement moulds resembling cobble stones, stone, brick, etc.
  • Epoxy resins

2nd Screeds

Production and laying of all types of screeds

  • Screeds with lecas, or other products for filling surfaces;
  • Finishing screeds for any type of flooring;
  • Smoothed screeds

3rd Production and laying of cellular concrete

We have specific equipment for executing floorings or pavements
As a complement to these activities, it also has a vast

4th Cement Cuddled

Cemented cement is the economical technique in which cemented cement is a mixture of cement mortar and sand more precisely screed. When applied to the surface, it burns or strokes with cement, making the end result a kind of thin crust.
